
Dear Recruiter/Hiring Manager, Why I Don't Care About ...

... The following items: Stocks (can I cash out? Can I pay my rent with this? Answer is no, and I don't even know if this startup will be even around tomorrow to even care) Free meals (can I have a competent AND a caring boss instead of th…

If a Tree Falls In a Forest, Will it Make a Sound?


Here are some Friday yap to share with you. Rhetorical questions like this is really self-serving confirmations to the person asking the actual question. All answers are wrong as soon as they don't serve to add value, insights as to the re…

No, Platform Won't Save The World

I felt that everyone and their grandma (no offense to all the grandma in the world who are excellent software engineers) wants a platform in 2018. Here are some reason I believe platform won't save the world: Information overload (too much…

Life of a Software Contractor

Here are some thoughts I have after working as a contractor for several years around San Francisco and Silicon Valley: It can be both stressful and scary sometimes, when you are the only frontend developer (or even any developer for that m…

Personal Experience with Code Editors - Atom, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Webstorm, Brackets

Some talk about a few common code editors I am using for work and projects.Atom Free Visual Studio Code Free (open-source) from Microsoft. Nice. My daily ride for work Sublime Text Free for 30-days, then nag screen after What got me to pay…

Get a Blog - Why Every Developer Should Have a Blog (and updates it)

I am no expert in anything. Here are some reasons why I think every developer should have a blog, and keeps it updated: Demonstrates analytical skills - Answer why and how you did it in your posts, rather than just do it or copy code from …

Post-FanimeCon Review

Kudos to the team for a painless pre-registration badge pickup. The line was short, the process is quick with plenty of check-in terminals, the check-in process is nearly painless on the computer Video room could use staff improvement: Roo…

Houston Texas - Observation

Hot and humid in the mornings, but windy on some days Lyft is available in and around Houston now Downtown Houston is dead at night during weekdays, with only a few fancy restaurants and bars left open I was intimidated by two patrol perso…

Platform For All? Can Platform Favor Both Advertisers AND Content Creators?

After viewing a YouTube video on the plight of video sharing sharing as whole, it gave me some thoughts as I am working on my own platform. Though the topic of the video specifically focused on YouTube and all current/future video-sharing …

Onsite Assessment - Afterthoughts

Some rant I have after completing a 10-hour onsite assessment (test), which involved building a static Website based on a mock from Zapier with HTML/CSS/Bootstrap, and then move parts of the CSS and HTML code into React components. Here is…

Extra - What's With The Project Names?

So... What's with the project names? Project Akita - 秋田 (WordPress theme in PHP/Timber/SASS/JavaScript)Project Chiba - 千葉 (React app with React-native, Webpack) Project Ehime - 愛媛 (React-native iOS/Android app pairing with Project Ch…