React Project Post-Mortem

After one month of development work, the React app will finally be delivered. Here are some feelings and thought I have looking back at the development process. I will update an existing blog post to get in-depth of what I've learned in code.

  • Pace yourself. There are always more work to be done, better way of doing things, code that can and should be refactored
  • A design document really helps starting and during development. It makes developer think about the best approach to the problem and the project requirements, leading to generate relevant questions and discussions. I didn't do this and it came back to bite me nearing the delivering date, where some parts I was building it incorrectly because I didn't fully understand, nor flushed out, all the specs at the beginning of the dev cycle
  • Be sure to raise concerns as soon as you see any unusual behavior from API, namely stability/schema of the response, with the backend dev ASAP. The frontend heavily relies on the backend for stable, usable structure that will make frontend code cleaner, easier to digest, and for presentation