
Dear Recruiter/Hiring Manager, Why I Don't Care About ...

... The following items: Stocks (can I cash out? Can I pay my rent with this? Answer is no, and I don't even know if this startup will be even around tomorrow to even care) Free meals (can I have a competent AND a caring boss instead of th…

No, Platform Won't Save The World

I felt that everyone and their grandma (no offense to all the grandma in the world who are excellent software engineers) wants a platform in 2018. Here are some reason I believe platform won't save the world: Information overload (too much…

Get a Blog - Why Every Developer Should Have a Blog (and updates it)

I am no expert in anything. Here are some reasons why I think every developer should have a blog, and keeps it updated: Demonstrates analytical skills - Answer why and how you did it in your posts, rather than just do it or copy code from …