Entries from 2018-06-01 to 1 month

Working Out of WP-API & ACH-to-REST Plugins

You CANNOT change the response schema. That means you take what you get from whatever the response sends you You WILL need to do some serious data-massaging to make your dataset UI-friendly. Be sure to build a strong service to take care o…

Life of a Software Contractor

Here are some thoughts I have after working as a contractor for several years around San Francisco and Silicon Valley: It can be both stressful and scary sometimes, when you are the only frontend developer (or even any developer for that m…

React Work Project - Reflection After a Month

Some reflections after a month into a React project as a senior Frontend developer for a prominent creative agency in San Francisco SOMA. Lots of heavy HTML extraction with deep hierarchies (over 200+ lines of code within a section element…

Personal Experience with Code Editors - Atom, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Webstorm, Brackets

Some talk about a few common code editors I am using for work and projects.Atom Free Visual Studio Code Free (open-source) from Microsoft. Nice. My daily ride for work Sublime Text Free for 30-days, then nag screen after What got me to pay…

Get a Blog - Why Every Developer Should Have a Blog (and updates it)

I am no expert in anything. Here are some reasons why I think every developer should have a blog, and keeps it updated: Demonstrates analytical skills - Answer why and how you did it in your posts, rather than just do it or copy code from …