
Angular 6 and React 16 - API Best Approach

While exploring the difference between Angular 6 and React 16 in building SPA site and handling API request/response, I want to find out the best, appropriate means to perform API operations. Here are some thoughts I have on the two and wh…

Working Out of WP-API & ACH-to-REST Plugins

You CANNOT change the response schema. That means you take what you get from whatever the response sends you You WILL need to do some serious data-massaging to make your dataset UI-friendly. Be sure to build a strong service to take care o…

Onsite Assessment - Afterthoughts

Some rant I have after completing a 10-hour onsite assessment (test), which involved building a static Website based on a mock from Zapier with HTML/CSS/Bootstrap, and then move parts of the CSS and HTML code into React components. Here is…

Handoff to Developer - Zeplin/Sketch

For a recent onsite assessment, the creative agency have a specific workflow that I am not familiar with as senior developer, which makes translating design mocks coming from designers into code for developer to build into various language…

Firebase to Node/MongoDB NoSQL Migration

Looks like the plan to migrate Project Chiba from Firebase to Node/MongoDB had to be done sooner than anticipated, simply because Firebase simply cannot (and should not, given Firebase is a service rather than an actual API/database) work …