Dear Recruiter/Hiring Manager, Why I Don't Care About ...

... The following items:

  • Stocks (can I cash out? Can I pay my rent with this? Answer is no, and I don't even know if this startup will be even around tomorrow to even care)
  • Free meals (can I have a competent AND a caring boss instead of this?)
  • Gym access (I sure don't want, or have the time, to hit the gym when overloaded with work constantly, and certainly don't want to do butterfly in front of my coworkers)
  • Hot-shot developer on the team (who is he/she and he/she is so special? How does this person's fame have to do with me? What makes him/her so much more special than me and other hard-working devs just trying to scrape by?)
  • Deep-pocket investors on-board (How does that help me with my career goals?)
  • Hot-shot ex-Googler/ex-PayPal/whatever is on leadership team (why all the name-throwing just to differentiate your company from others? Why try so hard?)
  • You are a "kick-ass", "ninja" candidate (only means I will get paid for 3x dev work to me)